Love when we can use large format graphics to help share the story of amazing people who build the treasures we enjoy today. The St. Louis Art Museum’s exhibit Sunken Cities: Egypt’s Lost Worlds going from March 25 to September 9, 2018 is such a case. This is the first North American art museum to tell the epic story of one of the greatest finds in the history of underwater archaeology, a story that revealed two lost cities of ancient Egypt submerged under the Mediterranean Sea for over a thousand years!
Our efforts ranged from imaging and installing large light pole banners to catch the attention of everyone who approaches the Art Museum from the St Louis Zoo. A super sized building banner graces the entrance of the parking garage to further showcase what is nearby. As you enter the Art Museum there are 2 large facade banners printed on mesh strapped between gothic columns. Inside you are greeted by the ticketing desk wrapped in graphics explaining how it all works. As you walk through the exhibit you will see various monstrous wall murals that further explain this miracle find. No floor graphics here so keep your head up and on a swivel to marvel in the antiquities that abound.
I hope everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the more than 200 authentic artifacts, including three colossal 16-foot sculptures of a pharaoh, a queen, and a god will be on view. These objects range from the colossal sculptures to precious gold coins and jewelry alongside statues from the sunken and forgotten ancient cities of Thonis-Heracleion and Canopus. All this can be seen alongside ancient Egyptian artifacts from museums in Cairo and Alexandria, many of which have never been on view in the United States.